Ayurvedic Medicines for Piles

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are engorged veins in the anal region. They can be internal or external, depending on their location. Piles can cause significant discomfort and pain, impacting the quality of life for those who suffer from them.

While various conventional treatment options are available to treat piles, many seek natural options to alleviate symptoms and enhance recovery. Ayurveda is a traditional Hindu medicinal practice that offers a holistic approach to treating piles. In this blog post, we will learn about Ayurveda, several Ayurvedic medicines for piles, their benefits, etc. Read on to know more. 

What Is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India. Though it originated in India, today, it’s practiced worldwide. Ayurveda uses a range of treatments, including panchakarma (five actions), yoga, massage, herbal medicine, etc., to boost health and well-being.

Ayurvedic medicines are holistic in nature, addressing the conditions of the mind, body, and spirit. It strives to bring the body back into balance to alleviate symptoms of a medical condition.

Those who practice Ayurveda believe there are three doshas, or body types: Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. Each dosha relates to a specific element — fire (pitta), air (vata), and water (kapha) —  and controls how the body works. The ultimate objective of Ayurveda is to balance each dosha. This is done through a combination of diet, lifestyle modifications, and ayurvedic medicines.

What Are The Best Ayurvedic Medicines For Piles?

Ayurvedic medicines aim to restore balance, reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and encourage healthy bowel movements to treat piles. Some of the best Ayurvedic herbal medicines for piles include the following:

  1. Triphala: Triphala is a famous Ayurvedic formulation consisting of three fruits – Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki. Triphala helps improve digestion, regulate bowel movements, and reduce constipation, which is often associated with piles. It also helps support the digestive system while cleansing the body and balancing the doshas.
  2. Arsha Harivati: Arsha Harivati is an Ayurvedic medicine specifically used to treat piles. It contains a variety of medicinal herbs like Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, and Shuddha Guggulu. Arsha Harivati helps reduce inflammation, relieves pain, and aids in the healing of piles.
  3. Abhayarishta: Abhayarishta is an Ayurvedic liquid preparation that includes several beneficial herbs. It is known for its laxative properties and helps relieve constipation, soften stools, and regulate bowel movements. Regular use of Abhayarishta can help prevent straining during bowel movements and reduce the risk of worsening piles.
  4. Triphala Guggulu: Triphala Guggulu is an Ayurvedic formulation that combines the advantages of Triphala with the resinous gum Guggulu. This combination helps improve digestion, ease bowel movements, and reduce inflammation. Triphala Guggulu also supports the detoxification process in the body, which helps manage piles.
  5. Avipattikar Churna: It is a common ayurvedic medicine that is prescribed to people with piles. It is a multi-herbal medication consisting of 14 different ingredients. Avipattikar churna is considered one of the most effective medicines to treat painful piles through its pain-relieving properties.
  6. Arshoghni Vati: Arshoghni Vati is an Ayurvedic tablet formulated to treat piles. It contains herbs like Haritaki, Nagakesar, and Bakayan that help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote the healing of piles.
  7. Arsohills: Arsohills is an Ayurvedic medicine made from a blend of natural herbs that are known to be effective in treating piles. The ingredients in Arsohills include Manjistha, Kshara Sutra, Yashtimadhu, and Triphala. These herbs work jointly to reduce inflammation, pain, and bleeding associated with piles. Arsohills are available in capsule form and can be taken twice each day for the best results.
  8. Turmeric: Turmeric is used as an herbal medicine for piles treatment. Turmeric can prevent the attack of secondary microbial infection and manage bleeding because of piles. In addition, it can also help reduce pain and irritation associated with piles.
  9. Touch-me-not plant: Several helpful herbs are used to make effective Ayurvedic medicines for piles. One such herb is the Touch-me-not plant. This herb is widely known for its healing properties to help manage bleeding piles. Also, the plant has a chemical known as alkaloid mimosine, which can help reduce pain and manage inflammation. Since ancient times, Ayurvedic practitioners have suggested using touch-me-not plants for piles. For optimum results, a paste of touch-me-not leaves can also be applied externally to the affected area. 

Which Top Brands Provide The Best Ayurvedic Medicines For Piles Treatment?

Top brands that provide the best ayurvedic medicines for piles treatment include the following:


Patanjali Logo

Patanjali Piles Medicines

Patanjali, founded by Baba Ramdev, is a reputed Ayurvedic brand in India. They have gained a considerable market presence and offer Ayurvedic medicines for piles along with other health products. Top Patanjali Medicine for Piles include:

  • Arshkalp vati: Arshkalp vati is a time-tested medicine for piles. It is created from a combination of herbal extracts that can heal inflammations and alleviate pain and discomfort.
  • Isabgol Husk: Isabgol husk consumption is good for piles as it makes the stool bulky and prevents constipation. In addition, it also reduces the inflammation in piles due to its anti-inflammatory property.

Himalaya Herbals

Himalaya Herbals

Himalaya Medicine for Piles

Himalaya Herbals is one of the best brands that offer a wide range of Ayurvedic products, including medicines for piles. They are known for making herbal formulations with high-quality ingredients. Best ayurvedic medicines by Himalaya herbals for piles include:

  • Pilex Tablets: Pilex Tablets by Himalaya Herbals contain a blend of natural ingredients like Guggulu, Neem, and Haritaki, which help reduce inflammation, promote healing, and provide relief from symptoms associated with piles.
  • Pilex Ointment: Himalaya Pilex Ointment is a topical application that helps ease itching and swelling and alleviates discomfort caused by piles. It contains natural ingredients like Guggulu, Nimba, and Haridra, known for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.


Baidyanath Medicine for Piles

Baidyanath Medicine for Piles

Baidyanath is a trusted Ayurvedic brand that has existed for over 100 years. They have a range of Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of piles. Top ayurvedic medicine by Baidyanath for piles include:

  • Baidyanath Bol Parpati: Bol Parpati is an ayurvedic medicine primarily used to treat piles. It can help regulate bowel movements, reduce constipation, and ease the strain associated with piles.
  • Arshakuthar Ras: Baidyanath Arshakuthar Ras is an Ayurvedic herb-mineral formulation that can be used to manage piles. It includes ingredients such as Shuddha Gandhak, Tankan Bhasma, and Loha Bhasma, believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and bleeding.

What Are The Benefits Of Ayurvedic Medicines?

Here are some of the benefits of Ayurvedic medicines:

  1. Holistic Approach: Ayurvedic medicines for piles are derived from natural herbs and ingredients. They aim to treat the pile’s root cause rather than just manage symptoms. Ayurveda considers an individual’s unique constitution and imbalances, allowing for a holistic approach to treatment.
  2. Reduced Symptoms: Ayurvedic medicines can help relieve common symptoms of piles, like pain, itching, swelling, and bleeding.
  3. Improved Digestion and Bowel Movements: Several Ayurvedic medicines for piles, like Abhayarishta, can help improve digestion, regulate bowel movements, and prevent constipation. This can help ease the strain and pressure on the anal region, which is often associated with the formation of piles.
  4. Personalized Treatment: Ayurvedic medicines for piles are prescribed based on a person’s unique dosha and specific imbalances. This personalized treatment allows for tailored plans that address the specific needs and imbalances of each person

Are Ayurvedic Medicines A Long-Term Solution For Piles?

Ayurvedic medicines are believed to be safe and effective in reducing pain and discomfort associated with piles but cannot be considered a long-term solution. For long-term effective treatment of piles, surgery is considered to be a better option, especially if the piles are protruding, extremely painful, or bleeding. 

Surgical options like laser surgery are often advised by doctors for successful treatment of piles because it accompanies many benefits like minimal pain and bleeding, speedy recovery, lower risk of infection, etc. Laser surgery, or laser hemorrhoidectomy or laser hemorrhoidoplasty, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat piles. It uses a focused beam of light energy, specifically a laser, to remove or shrink the piles tissue.


While Ayurvedic medicines for piles treatments appear to be safe and effective, it’s essential to weigh your alternatives. Mild to moderate cases of piles may respond well to Ayurvedic medicine; however, surgery may be necessary for more severe or complicated cases. Therefore, it’s essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional who can assess your condition, discuss the most appropriate treatment options, and provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs.

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I had piles for quite some time and the condition didn’t improve after trying many home remedies. When I consulted Dr. Pankaj, I was stressed after knowing that I needed surgical treatment. Fortunately, the doctor briefed me before the procedure and told me that there won’t be any cuts or stitches as they use laser technology. I trusted my doctor and had the surgery the next day. There were no cuts, stitches, or scars involved in the surgery. Now I am recuperating well and don’t feel any pain during bowel movements thanks to Dr. Pankaj

– Rohit Mehra

I had grade 2 piles which became grade 4 within a few weeks. It was very difficult for me to cope with the pain. When I consulted with my primary care provider, he referred me to Dr. Piyush Sharma Regardless of my concerns, I visited the doctor and he recommended laser surgery. At first, I was afraid, but after he explained the entire procedure, I knew that it was the best option to get rid of piles. I had my surgery a few days later which was successful. It’s been two weeks and I have recovered well after the surgery.

– Dharmesh Singh

Piles was becoming a very serious problem for me after lockdown. My physical activities were restricted and the condition became worse within a month. I came across Dr. Pankaj Sareen through Practo and booked a consultation with him. He explained the laser treatment procedure to me and described all its benefits. I had the surgery on the next day and now my condition is resolved. I am able to pass stools without any pain or discomfort thanks team

– Gaurav sinsinwar

I had heard that laser surgery was the best treatment for piles. After consulting with Dr. Rakesh Mittal, I was convinced that it is the right method for me. The doctor had more than 10 years of experience in performing laser surgery. I trusted him and had the surgery without any delay. The doctor even provided post-surgery care tips and stayed in touch with me to ensure that I recovered well.

– Vaibhav Gupta

After having laser surgery for piles myself, I would like to recommend it for people who want to get rid of piles permanently. The procedure is simple, safe, and effective. The doctor uses a laser probe that emits light energy and shrinks the swollen and inflamed tissues. The surgery took only 30 minutes and I was able to go back home on the same day. Thanks to the whole team helping me in this seamless surgical journey, I am now free from piles and can eat my favorite foods without worrying about the pain.

– Rekha Yadav

Dr. Ravi was recommended to me by my primary care physician when I told him about the symptoms. He asked me to consult a specialist immediately. So, I talked to Dr. Ravi and after diagnosis, he told me I had grade 3 internal piles. I trusted him and had the surgery a few days later. The surgery was non-invasive and there were no stitches or scars. I was able to get back to work after two days and recovered completely within a week. My overall experience of laser surgery was good and I recommend this method to anyone who needs piles treatment.

– Neeti Verma

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